
864 Area Code

Almost anything you could want to know about 864 area code.
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What is area code 864?

864 was first put in service December 3, 1995. It was created from area code 803.

864 area code

Where is area code 864 located?

Area code 864 is located in northwestern South Carolina and covers Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson. It is the only area code that serves the area.

What is the timezone of area code 864?

The 864 Area Code is located in the EasternTimezone.

What is the major city in area code 864?

Greenville, city, seat (1797) of Greenville county, northwestern South Carolina, U.S., on the Reedy River, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. First called Pleasantburg when the area was settled in the 1760s, it was renamed Greenville in 1821, probably for Isaac Green, an early settler, and was chartered as a village in 1831. Before 1860 it was a summer resort community. As the western terminus of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, the city served as the commercial centre for the Piedmont (rolling upland region) and for entry into the nearby Appalachian Mountains. Greenville strongly opposed nullification (in U.S. history, a doctrine holding that a state, within its territorial jurisdiction, has the right to declare null and void any federal law that violates its voluntary compact embodied in the Constitution) in 1832 and secession from the Union in 1860. Notable among the Unionists was Benjamin F. Perry, Greenville editor and later state governor.

What are the area codes near 864?

423 (Chattanooga, TN);

704/980 (Charlotte, NC);

706/762 (Augusta, GA);803 (Columbia, SC);

828 (Asheville, NC);

864 (Greenville, SC);

Why do people choose vanity local phone numbers that are one-of-a-kind for brands?

1. Receiving calls from anywhere in the United States and Canada. You may receive calls anywhere, anytime, and on your favorite device without being bound to a physical place. If someone in your organization is going on vacation and needs to be reached by phone but doesn't want to give out their mobile phone number, you may assign an EasyLine number to their phone.

2. Distribution of incoming calls. EasyLine phone numbers are especially advantageous for businesses with many offices. Incoming calls can be routed to phones in each office instead of ringing at one. This may be accomplished by employing an auto-attendant system, which will ring the phones of any employees who have been identified as part of the queue or group, depending on your preferences.

3. Numbers that are unique to the area. If your office is in a different region than your client base, you can give your phone line a local area code. This allows you to create a presence in a crucial market while also lowering incoming call expenses. Customers are more likely to call and answer a local number than a number with an unfamiliar area code.

4. Plenty of features. EasyLine supports customer voicemail, group broadcast, auto-reply, call forwarding, business hours, auto-attendant, call blacklist, VoIP calling, inbound caller ID, business card, tag management, and more sophisticated capabilities are available with EasyLine. It's possible that it'll fulfill your requirements.

How can I obtain an 864 local phone number?

Give your business a trusted feel that appeals to local customers. EasyLine provides local phone numbers throughout the United States. If you’re looking forward to getting a local number for the best price, EasyLine is definitely the one you’d pick. EasyLine is the most effective solution for you and your clients.

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