
859 Area Code

What does choosing an 859 business phone number imply?
A unique vanity local phone number could boost your sales and leads.

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What is the 859 area code?

859 was first put in service April 1, 2000. It was created from area code 606.

859 area code

Where is area code 859 located?

Area code 859 is located in Kentucky and covers Lexington-Fayette, Covington, and Richmond. It is the only area code that serves the area.

What timezone does the area code 859 belong to?

The 859 Area Code is located in the EasternTimezone.

Which area code is closest to 859?

812/930 (Evansville, IN);

859 (Lexington-Fayette, KY);

937 (Dayton, OH);270/364 (Bowling Green, KY);

502 (Louisville, KY);

513 (Cincinnati, OH);

606 (Ashland, KY);

Why do people prefer unique vanity local phone numbers for promotions?

A mobile phone with a local number is ideal for persons who:

1.Want to be contacted at all times.

2.Do not want callers to pay more costs as a result of contacting you.

3.Want to project a professional image by using a landline phone number.

4.Want to know how much anything will cost.

The following are some of the advantages of having a local phone number:

1.Be smarter: with only one device and one voicemail, you won't have to check in at home and at work.

2.Value to your consumers and business that can be measured.

Where can I obtain a local phone number for business with the area code 859?

Get a custom phone number (local or toll-free) or port your own, for unlimited talk calling and texting, and powerful features to make your business stand out no matter where you are in the United States or Canada. When you call or text customers in the app, they see your business phone number. When they call or text you, it's clear what's a business call, so you can choose when to work, when to relax, and always sound great to customers.

Advantages are as follows:

1.Establish a solid presence in a new market.

2.Say goodbye to additional hardware costs and installation charges.

3.Eliminate risks and be assured of privacy.

Now buy local phone numbers and build a rapport with native customers.

Method 1. Sign up on EasyLine Website and get a number by instructions.

Method 2. Download EasyLine app to select a number and plan.

Method 3. Contact our sales by clicking “Talk to sales” on EasyLine website.

Method 4. Buy a second local number with the help of our customer service by clicking “LiveChat” on EasyLine website.


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Get an 859 area code number for your business

Increase your reach and promote a local presence across the country.