
681 Area Code

Get a 681 area code phone number for your local marketing.
From any location in the state of West Virginia and establish yourself as a local business.

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What is a 681 area code?

681 was first put in service March 28, 2009. It was created from area code 304.

681 area code

What is the location of area code 681?

Area code 681 covers the entire state of West Virginia. It is an overlay for area code 304 and serves the same area.

What timezone is used for area code 681?

The 681 Area Code is located in the EasternTimezone.

What is the major city covered by area code 681?

Charleston, city, seat (1830) of Coles county, east-central Illinois, U.S. It lies near the Embarras River, about 45 miles (70 km) south of Champaign. First settled by Benjamin Parker (1826), it was named for Charles Morton, its first postmaster. In September 1858 Charleston was the scene of the fourth debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas (see Lincoln-Douglas debates), attended by some 12,000 people; Coles County Fairgrounds, the site of the debate, houses a Lincoln-Douglas museum. Charleston’s economy is based on educational services and health care, and it has some manufacturing (chiefly truck trailers) and agriculture (corn [maize] and soybeans). It is the seat of Eastern Illinois University (founded in 1895 as a state normal school); the Tarble Arts Center, with a fine collection of Illinois folk art, is located on the university’s campus. Lake Charleston is just southeast of the city, and Fox Ridge State Park and Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site (reconstructed on the site where Lincoln’s father’s house originally stood) are to the south. Inc. village, 1835; city, 1865. Pop. (2000) 21,039; (2010) 21,838.

What are the closest area codes to 681?

419/567 (Toledo, OH);

434 (Lynchburg, VA);

540 (Roanoke, VA);

606 (Ashland, KY);

724 (New Castle, PA);

804 (Richmond, VA);

814 (Erie, PA);

878 (Pittsburgh, PA);220/740 (Newark, OH);

223/717 (Lancaster, PA);

234/330 (Akron, OH);

240/301 (Germantown, MD);

272/570 (Scranton, PA);

276 (Bristol, VA);

304/681 (West Virginia);

412 (Pittsburgh, PA);

Why is it important to have a memorable local number for marketing?

1.Affordable, enabling you to save expense.

2.Customer satisfaction rises as a result of improved communication.

3.Getting a local phone number might help you develop trust, reliability, and confidence with your consumers.

4.A dedicated local phone number for your business will benefit in the promotion of your brand and the development of a strong customer loyalty.

5.By acquiring a local number for your business, you will gain access to a selection of one-of-a-kind services that will surely improve communication.

Where can I request a second phone number with the area code 681?

EasyLine offers affordable business phone plans that grow with your company. Choose an area code and search our extensive database for available local phone numbers.

Stand out from the rest. Getting an awesome local number makes it easier for you to connect with your local customers. 

Now it’s time to form a connection with your prospects and customers by using a local phone number for your business.


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Get a 681 area code number for your business

Targeting hyper-specific markets by using an area code that callers are familiar with.