
639 Area Code

You can get your business up and running quickly by using 639 area code.
Use a local number to communicate with your neighborhood.

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What is a 639 area code?

639 was first put in service May 25, 2013. It was created from area code 306.

639 area code

Where does area code 639 come from?

Area code 639 covers the entire province of Saskatchewan in Canada. It is an overlay for area code 306 and serves the same area.

What timezone is used for area code 639?

The 639 Area Code is located in the CentralTimezone.

Which area codes are closest to 639?

701 (North Dakota);

780 (Edmonton, AB);

867 (Northern Canada);

907 (Alaska);204/431 (Manitoba);

306/639 (Saskatchewan);

403 (Calgary, AB);

406 (Montana);

587/825 (Calgary, AB);

The benefits of selecting a vanity local phone number for your company

1. Be a Local: To potential clients, a phone number with a local area code is more approachable and authentic.

2. Save money: EasyLine's low prices will help your firm save money where it counts the most.

3. Marketing: Track marketing efforts and use local phone numbers to promote them.

4. Hide your phone number: When making outbound calls, your secondary phone number may appear on the caller ID, preventing you from exposing personal information.

5. Keep in touch: Use advanced features like business hours and intelligent phone routing to guarantee that someone always replies and you don't miss a beat.

How do I obtain a certain phone number with the area code 639?

There are plenty of number providers to choose from, of course. EasyLine for business is a pretty solid alternate solution for small business.

You could try using EasyLine for business. EasyLine has a lot of features, like unlimited texts & calls, extensions, auto attendants, business hours, 800 numbers, and voicemail to email, etc. Now, find the available local phone numbers from our large inventory!


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