
563 Area Code

Get a 563 area code phone number for your local marketing.
From any location in Davenport and establish yourself as a local business.

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What is area code 563?

563 was first put in service March 25, 2001. It was created from area code 319.

563 area code

Where does area code 563 come from?

Area code 563 is located in northeastern Iowa and covers Davenport, Dubuque, and Bettendorf. It is the only area code that serves the area.

What is the timezone of area code 563?

The 563 Area Code is located in the CentralTimezone.

What is the major city in area code 563?

Davenport, city, seat (1838) of Scott county, eastern Iowa, U.S. It lies on the north bank of the Mississippi River and is the largest of the Quad Cities, an urban complex that includes neighbouring Bettendorf to the east and Moline and Rock Island across the river in Illinois. Credit Island, now a park, was a battlefield in the War of 1812; Fort Armstrong (restored) was established on Rock Island in 1816.

Area codes in the neighborhood

608 (Madison, WI);

641 (Mason City, IA);

779/815 (Rockford, IL);309 (Peoria, IL);

319 (Cedar Rapids, IA);

507 (Rochester, MN);

563 (Davenport, IA);

Why do people opt for one-of-a-kind vanity local phone numbers for marketing?

Getting a second local number comes with a slew of advantages that make the setup procedure worthwhile:

1.At-a-glance productivity. EasyLine numbers can be used in a variety of situations. Send and receive SMS messages, as well as route calls to your personal or corporate phone lines.

2.Keep your personal and business lives separate. Many small business owners make the error of using their personal phone number for commercial purposes.

3.Use all of our features. Access our additional capabilities, such as call forwarding, SMS automation, bulk messaging, and more, by reserving a dedicated second business phone service.

4.Save money and develop your business locally. It's far less expensive to set up EasyLine numbers for local markets than it is to use established carriers.

Where can I acquire a business phone number with the area code 563?

To get a second phone number, you don't need any groundbreaking technical skills. All you have to do now is to try EasyLine, and you'll be ready to go. EasyLine now provides your business with a local phone number, no matter you are a small business, or individuals. EasyLine is a fantastic service that gives you a second phone number as well as all of your phone's features. From a single device, you can manage both your personal and secondary phone numbers and easily distinguish between them. To get a taste of what you'll be getting, we recommend taking advantage of EasyLine's free trial.

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Get a 563 area code number for your business

Build trust and loyalty with a local phone number from EasyLine.