
506 Area Code

All you need to know about area code 506.
Explore how to select a 506 area code phone number for your business.

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Brief introduction of 506 area code

It is normal to be worried when an unrecognized area code shows up on your mobile phone. You tend to wonder who is calling or from what location is it coming from. Area code 506 is a telephone area code in North American Numbering Plan. Wanna know more regarding this area code? Provided below are some frequently asked questions and information about area code 506 that might provide answer to your concerns.

506 area code

What is the 506 area code?

506 was first put in service January 1, 1955.

What is the location of area code 506?

Area code 506 covers the entire province of New Brunswick in Canada. It is the only area code that serves the area.

What timezone does the area code 506 belong to?

The 506 Area Code is located in the AtlanticTimezone.

Which area code is closest to 506?

709 (Newfoundland/Labrador);

782/902 (Nova Scotia/PE Island);

819/873 (Sherbrooke, QC);207 (Portland, ME);

367/418/581 (Quebec, QC);

506 (New Brunswick);

Is a call from 506 phone number toll free?

No. Area code belong to those area codes who are not toll free and performs a charge for every call placed from any 506-xxx-xxx numbers. Calling these numbers will also charge you a cost. The prices of each call may vary if it is a local or an international call.

The primary advantages of starting a business with a local phone number

A local number allows you to create a phone number for a particular region, city, or state. EasyLine provides you with the option to select multiple local numbers for your business. It‘s the quickest and easiest way.

1. Create a presence in multiple cities by adding more local numbers.

2. Give your business a trusted feel that appeals to local customers.

3. Prospects and customers are more likely to answer local numbers.

4. Separate your work and personal life, even if you’re using the same phone.

Where can I obtain a local phone number for business with the area code 506?

EasyLine offers local city numbers in many parts of the United States and Canada to meet your needs. On the EasyLine website, you can search for specific availabilities in each state. We will do our best to help you find the number you want. No matter the size of your business, it is time to have a second phone number set up for your business or company in minutes.

1. Features that are available on demand. EasyLine offers features like caller ID, personalized greetings, voice email, and call forwarding.

2. Stability and scalability. EasyLine solutions have been proven to be reliable. EasyLine is designed to grow with companies that need to add functionality to rapidly growing teams and locations.

3. A workplace that is adaptable. EasyLine offers tools and functions to support all types of work situations.


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Get a 506 area code number for your business

You can get a specific phone number by requesting it from EasyLine.