
386 Area Code

386 area code is a perfect way to start your business.
We provide phone numbers from all across the US and Canada.

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What is the 386 area code?

386 was first put in service February 15, 2001. It was created from area code 904.

386 area code

What is the location of area code 386?

Area code 386 is located in Florida and covers Palm Coast, Daytona Beach, and Port Orange. It is the only area code that serves the area.

What timezone does the area code 386 belong to?

The 386 Area Code is located in the EasternTimezone.

What area codes are nearby 386?

229 (Albany, GA);

321 (Orlando, FL);

352 (Gainesville, FL);

386 (Palm Coast, FL);

407 (Orlando, FL);

727 (St. Petersburg, FL);772 (Port St. Lucie, FL);

813 (Tampa, FL);

850 (Tallahassee, FL);

904 (Jacksonville, FL);

912 (Savannah, GA);

Why do people prefer unique vanity local phone numbers for promotions?

Benefits: Instant activation, no hardware required, no long term contracts.

1.Local numbers are a great way to give you a business a presence in any large town or city in the United States and Canada. Instantly giving your business a local presence across the US and CA, in turn giving you up to 22% increase in calls from that area.

2.By using multiple numbers in different cities, you can give your company a nation presence and enjoy an increase in phone enquiries by up to 40%.

3.If you’re looking for multiple local numbers, try our EasyLine package. You will enjoy an instant increase in sales calls and enquires. Up to 22% increase in calls locally. Trusted by local numbers. Over 20 powerful free features.

How can I get a business phone number with the 386 area code?

If you’re interested in obtaining a second phone number for your business, please get in contact with an EasyLine consultant today. Our experienced team will find the best solution for your business, delivering a cost-effective call management system that not only helps you achieve a stronger presence in local markets but also delivers incisive and relevant business insights in the form of easy to read call reports.

Method 1. Sign up on EasyLine Website and get a number by instructions.

Method 2. Download EasyLine app to select a number and plan.

Method 3. Contact our sales by clicking “Talk to sales” on EasyLine website.

Method 4. Buy a second local number with the help of our customer service by clicking “LiveChat” on EasyLine website.

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EasyLine is a state of the art phone service provider for business and home.