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Local Number

What Exactly is a Local Number?

A local number is a number starting with a local area code. Up to now, EasyLine users are allowed to get a US local number with most area codes. Through Easyline you can get a real local number through simple steps.

What does a Local Number Mean for a Business?

Being able to choose a local phone number is a necessary way to legitimize and brand your small business. It can help you to save much time coping with long lines and complicated legal procedures. A local number is dramatically important and necessary for a business especially when a business targets the customers in the local area like a Uber driver or a baker. After all, no one would call for a drive or bakery across the borders.

In addition to separate your personal number and business number on one device, using a local business number can also give your customers a sense of familiar and may raise their trust on you substantially, which can help your business process to be smoother and you will see a larger market waving at you.

How to Get a Local Number on EasyLine?

Start your journey on Easyline right now! Please follow the following steps to get a local number on Easyline:

Step 1

Download the Easyline. Tap the Create an Account button at the bottom of the interface.

Step 2

Type an area code, 207 for example, and tap the Search Available Numbers button, then a list of numbers starting with the filled area number  will be provided on a new interface. Just choose a local number you favor and confirm by tapping the Get This Number button.

Local Number

Step 3

Enter your personal phone number to register, tap Next and your identity will be verified via the verification code you’ll receive through SMS. Enter the code to verify your registered number and tap the Confirm button for the next step.

Local Number

Step 4

Create a password for your EasyLine account. Please keep the password in your mind to ensure you can log in Easyline anytime. Then tap the Confirm button.

Local Number

Step 5

Now you can choose your subscription plan based on your business communication needs and budget and start your business with the EasyLine number!

Local Number

What’s the Price of a Local Number on EasyLine?

Two types of plans are provided on EasyLine.We offer One is Standard Plan with basic functions, and the other is Premium Plan with more extra functions. For the Standard Plan you will have a 7-day free trial, and after the trial you need to pay $9.99 per month to subscribe. For Premium Plan, you need to pay $14.99 per month to subscribe. With the above two plans compared, the Premium Plan is worth when it comes to features and the price.

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