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The Pros and Cons of Starting a Startup vs. a Franchise

Starting a franchise or starting your own business can both seem like daunting prospects when you first consider them. However, they each have their own set of pros and cons that can help inform your decision on whether to go with one over the other. Here are some of the most important pros and cons to keep in mind when choosing whether to start a franchise or startup business, as well as some things to consider that aren’t covered here.


Startups mean that they’re relatively untested as a business concept, though this also means you have the opportunity to become something truly groundbreaking and innovative. Startups are often run by less experienced founders, which can result in a bumpy ride for both the founders and early employees at the company. As long as you’ve got what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you can take on one heck of an exciting adventure with your startup — but it’s not without risks!

Pros of startups

Cons of startups


A franchise offers the stability of an established business model, as it is a proven concept that typically starts as an established chain or individual store franchise before becoming available to franchises and location franchises through the investment of money and their know-how. Franchising can be safer since if the company is successful, then you know there is money in the reserve to keep your store open when times are tough– this might not always be the case with startups, depending on how they operate. You also don’t have to worry about inventing something new for yourself: all the research has been done for you already.

Pros of Franchise

Cons of Franchise


If after reading this post you’re wondering whether or not you might want to start your own business one day…or buy a franchise today–we hope this information helps guide your decisions. Chances are when you want the security of that’s what we do around here culture or don’t have the funds to start your own business you should opt for purchasing a franchise instead of founding your own company, but if risk-taking is what gets you going on Monday morning then so be it!

Startups offer more creative freedom than franchises, and in general, you have more control over the day-to-day workings of your new venture. And while they are not without their risks, these benefits make starting a startup worth considering. But the decision is ultimately up to you–only you know what will give you peace of mind. If you’re still not sure which path to take, try asking yourself this question: Which type of work excites me? Remember to always follow your passion no matter what path you choose. The long-term goal of either type of enterprise is building wealth and independence, not running out at five o’clock every day.